Now I am a Postdoc at National University of Singapore (NUS), working with Prof. Jin-Song Dong and Prof. Jun Sun. Before joining NUS, I received my PhD degree from School of Information Science and Technology (SIST) at ShanghaiTech University, advised by Prof. Fu Song. I also studied as a visiting Ph.D. student at Singapore Management University (Mar. 2022 to Mar. 2023), under the supervision of Prof. Jun Sun, and at Universität des Saarlandes (Oct. 2019 to Mar. 2020), under the supervision of Prof. Holger Hermanns. I received my Bachelor's degree from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT).
My research is motivated by a simple goal: towards robust and verified AI Systems. More specifically, to develop theories and tools for the certification of AI systems, with rigorous and provable guarantees of safety and security.
We are hiring!!! Currently, we have several Research Assistant positions, as well as visiting PhD opportunities. Topics include LLMs, Trustworthy AI, Formal Methods, etc. If you are interested in this, please feel free to send me an email.